8th Grade

Based off of a lesson I found skimming Art education magazines, I got inspired off of Zerric Clinton’s lesson, Swagger Silhouettes. Intended for a high school lesson, I knew this was the direction I wanted to go to start off the year with our 8th grade students.

Since this is my first year at your Art teacher, I thought about the first projects as a way for me to understand each student in a unique way. I learned so much about each student’s personal style by creating their own Silhouettes that represents personal identity.

Each 8th grader created a silhouette of themselves which included images of drawings and collage . The project identifies unique qualities and interests that embody positive aspirations of who they are and who they want to be.

During the month of October selected pieces from the 8th grade silhouettes are on exhibit at the Madison Central Public Library and viewable during public library hours. This exhibit relates to the YWCA Racial Justice Summit. This summit is a chance to discuss many of our challenges Dane County faces with respect to racial equity and opportunity for our youth and their families. The performances and art exhibited for this event will reflect the diversity of our community in all its potential as well as some of the challenges we face. IMG_3649

So come on down and show your support for our amazing students! Congrats Brandon, Sira, Lydia and Nicole! Job well done! IMG_3652 IMG_3657 IMG_3642 IMG_3644 IMG_3646 IMG_3648

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