Black Hawk Art Class

photo-1 photo-2 photo The  Art classroom is eagerly awaiting for the school year to begin.  Welcome to Art class Black Hawk Middle School students!  The 2013-2014 school year will be full of amazing experiences of artistic creativity and I look forward to the year ahead!  It is our goal in this class to provide  an opportunity to explore a multiude of artistic experiences from different materials, learn about different artists from around the world,  even a variety of cultures and artistic traditions.  This is a classroom that offers a safe place to explore your creative endeavors and enjoy the unique opportunities Art can do for you!

On this site, you will be able to explore what 6th, 7th and 8th grade students at Black Hawk are doing in the Art class.  This is also a great  way to communicate with me to assure that this class is a positive and productive environment for our amazing students.

To a great school year!

Ms. Jones


The Black Hawk Middle School Art Program is designed for students to experiment with a variety of media to create visual art. The elements of art (line, shape, space, color, value, texture, and form) are studied in two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. Students will apply the principles of design, (rhythm, direction, balance, contrast, dominance, proportion, and harmony/unity) in their art making practices.


OBJECTIVES:   The student will….

·    Be able to describe the art elements and design principles

·    Be introduced to various artistic techniques

·    Distinguish between 2D and 3D art work

·    Explore various types of media (art materials)

·    Find solutions to various artistic problems

·    Use visual vocabulary in class discussion

·    Respond to daily questions with thoughtful answers

·    Discover art history and different artistic styles

·    Critique a work of art


In addition to the school-wide discipline policy, a set of class guidelines for success are established and maintained. The following is a list of the class guidelines for success within the Art class.

1. Listen to and follow directions – ask questions.

2. Use all tools safely and properly.

3. Be honest and accountable for your actions.

4. Use your time wisely – stay on task and work towards project and assignment objectives.

5. Work quietly – use appropriate language and have appropriate conversations.

6. Be responsible for work area and tools – please make sure to clean up after yourself

7. Have a positive attitude – you CAN do it!

8. Be creative, expressive and HAVE FUN through the artistic experience!

If a student CHOOSES not to follow the guidelines, the student will follow Black Hawk Middle School expectations and procedures.  **An automatic office referral will be made in extreme conditions.


            Students will be given individual assignment objectives for each project given.  They will be able to locate these requirements on the Art Webpage and in class. Each student will be knowledgeable of guidelines for projects and will be graded based on certain criteria based on each project.

Progress Reports and Final Grades:

 Skills and Techniques:

–  Designing Artwork

–  Creating Images

–  Producing Artwork


–  Seeing

–  Imagining and problem solving

–  Understanding the function of projects/units


–  Reflecting

–   Interpreting

–   Making

Makeup time/work will be awarded to students who have excused absences only.  Discussion of time will be dependent upon the excused absence.


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